We are in the process of updating our city codes to be available online so this is not an exhaustive list of code. If you do not see a code that pertains to your specific situation please contact city hall for further guidance.
FEMA is working with the state of Oregon, Sherman County, and the cities of Moro, Grass Valley, Wasco and Rufus to use new data and technology to update your Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The new map will better represent the risk of flooding in Sherman County
For additional information visit: shermanmapupdate.
To view the revised map and find your property online, visit: the Flood Map Comparison Tool
Review the current PDF.
Review the current PDF.
First find out if your property falls within the designated flood plain.
If your property falls within this plain here is our permitting procedure.
Initial Permitting is approved by the City of Rufus. Then provided to the State of Oregon Building Codes Division upon request.
Review the current PDF.
City of Rufus
304 W. 2nd Street, PO Box 27, Rufus OR 97050
Applications for
Wildfire Fuel Reduction Grant A
are being accepted now.
Grant A: Fuel Reduction/Vegetation Management
Applications for Grant B available soon
Grant B: Defensible Space Enhancement
***Please read the appropriate Guidelines for the specific Grant you will be requesting.***
Grant A Guidelines (Fuel Reduction)
Grant B Guidelines (Defensible Space)